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Portfolio Construction Considerations

Portfolio Construction Considerations
“How will my account be invested?” At The Fiduciary Group, we believe a thoughtful response to this question begins with the creation and implementation of an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) for the client. The IPS serves as a framework for how the portfolio will be managed and takes into...

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How Assisting Elderly Parents Can Fit Into Your Financial Plan

How Assisting Elderly Parents Can Fit Into Your Financial Plan
As U.S. life expectancies increase, our nation’s population is expected to skew increasingly older in the next several decades. A significant number of individuals who are actively working toward their own strategic goals may face challenges as their parents become elderly and require more costly...

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How Presidential Elections Can Affect the Stock Market

April 2024  By: SCOTT McGHIE, CFA
How Presidential Elections Can Affect the Stock Market
Election season is upon us, and one of the most frequent questions our team gets asked is, “How will the 2024 presidential election results affect markets?” While we appreciate that elections are emotionally charged events, it is important to remember that an investment portfolio is a long-term...

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How Qualitative Factors Impact Financial Planning

March 2024  By: MICHAEL McLEOD, CFP®, CTFA
How Qualitative Factors Impact Financial Planning
Warren Buffet once wisely observed: “The most important quality for an investor is temperament, not intellect.” Buffet’s astute understanding of the subjective forces that define the investment process reveals a deeper grasp of the underlying psychology of investing and managing wealth. Investing...

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2024 Market Commentary - Bull vs. Bear

January 2024  By: JOEL GOODMAN, CFA
2024 Market Commentary - Bull vs. Bear
Like most investors, we were pleasantly surprised by the resilience of the economy and performance of the markets in 2023. A year ago, 80% of macroeconomists were predicting a recession for 2023, and investor sentiment was decidedly bearish following the poor performance for stocks in 2022, their...

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End-of-Year Action Items for Investors for 2023

December 2023  By: KYLE POWERS, CFP®, MBA, AIF
End-of-Year Action Items for Investors for 2023
As the end of 2023 approaches, there is still time to make impactful decisions to position your savings strategy for success. Taking a few important steps in December can help to maximize your goals for 2023 and ensure that you’re entering the New Year ready to make the most of your financial plan.

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How to Make a Big Impact Locally with Year-End Charitable Giving

December 2023  By: MALCOLM BUTLER
How to Make a Big Impact Locally with Year-End Charitable Giving
As seen in The Savannah Morning News on 11/21/2023. American billionaire, investor and philanthropist Warren Buffet once observed: “If you’re in the luckiest one percent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99%.” If you’re fortunate to be in a position to donate...

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Putting Your Cash To Work

November 2023  By: SCOTT McGHIE, CFA
Putting Your Cash To Work
In response to 11 Fed interest rate increases since March 2022, savers should reconsider the wisdom of “parking” cash in a traditional bank savings account and explore investment options that carry relatively low risk in today’s higher interest environment. The rise in interest rates offers...

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Managing Risk

October 2023  By: MICHAEL McLEOD, CFP®, CTFA
Managing Risk
Since the birth of our nation, risk has been a fundamental component of our free market system. As fiduciary advisors, helping our clients prudently manage risks is a key part of our responsibility. The process of evaluating and managing risk is not a simple task, however, and over time various...

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Strategic Options for Education Savings

Strategic Options for Education Savings
One of the best gifts you can give your children or your grandchildren is to plan ahead to help reduce their student debt burden in college and beyond. Nearly 44 million Americans have student loans valued at more than $1.57 trillion, as of August 31, 2023, according to the New York Federal...

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